It’s a fact: all businesses want more business. There’s a whole world of complicated marketing strategies out there, but what about going back to basics? Sometimes the old ways really are the best.
For decades, pavement signs and outdoor advertising boards have been catching the eye of new customers and intriguing existing ones. There’s no reason this tried-and-tested method shouldn’t work for your business. Read on for how to make the most of outdoor advertising boards and pavement signs.
What is an Advertising Board?
Advertising boards, are designed to provide marketing/advertising space outside your business, and often have double sided panels for you to display different messages or offers. They come in all shapes and sizes, from wall mounted signs and a-frame boards to chalkboards, swing signs to flag banners - but whichever style you choose, an outdoor sign can help you draw new customers into your business.
The idea is that someone walking or driving past will see your sign, and then consider whether to visit your premises. This can provide an instant response (ie. someone walking along the pavement sees your offer and decides to enter your shop) or a delayed response (they see the sign, remember the details and decide to come back at a later stage).
Why are Outdoor Signs so Effective?
The majority of advertising materials, for example, posters or window displays, are typically attached to or form part of your shop or premises. In contrast, pavement signs stand out from your business, taking your marketing messages directly to passers-by by being placed in their route: in essence, in order to avoid bumping into your sign, they must look at it.
When walking along a busy street, most people tend to focus their gaze slightly downwards to avoid tripping or bumping into people, which means that a pavement sign is more likely to be spotted by the average pedestrian than other forms of advertising placed at eye level.
Pavement sign advertising boards also create an optical illusion; they extend the physical presence of your premises further into the street, subliminally making your business appear larger and more legitimate. If your business is positioned back from the natural flow of foot traffic, it can very much be the difference between people knowing your business exists or not. It can mean the difference between many visitors, or none.

What Pavement Sign Should I Choose?
The kind of pavement board you choose should be effective advertising for your particular business and location. We sell a range of different designs to suit all purposes:
A-Frame Sandwich Boards are one of our most popular signboards. The classic designs are incredibly easy to install and use. A-frame signs are available with pre-printed vinyl graphics or poster pockets that can be easily changed with the clipable snap frame poster boards. There are many styles and sizes to choose from, with or without printed posters. A-boards are particularly popular as they require no assembly and can be used immediately upon delivery.
Water-Based Signs offer some of our largest and most sturdy advertising signs. Similar to forecourt signs, they generally come in large sizes such as A1 pavement signs and A0. The hollow bases must be filled with sand or water for stability when in use. Most include discreet wheels in the base so that you are able to move them locations or easily store them inside overnight.
Swing Signs and Flexible Panel Signs are among the most sturdy and weather-resistant outdoor advertising displays on the market. Available with pre-installed vinyl graphic panels or poster pockets, these pavement signs are manufactured from either solid rubber or water fillable bases for stability. The display panel is manufactured from air-craft grade aluminium that is strong yet flexible enough to flex with the wind conditions.
Chalkboard signs provide a traditional look and feel that is widely used in hospitality and by social venues such as pubs, cafes, bars and restaurants. They can be wiped clean and re-written regularly to reflect changing menus or daily specials. Wooden chalk pavement signs are available in many styles including real wood or wood effect. No cost is incurred when you wish to change your display, simply wipe and rewrite.
How Can You Use Advertising Boards to Catch the Eyes of Customers?
You’ve found the right placement for your display board, now you need to create the perfect design. First, you need to decide what you want to promote. For hospitality venues this might be new menus, ‘Happy Hour’-style deals or daily specials - for retail outlets perhaps you could display an in-store promotion or details of a new product.
Stepping away from the purely ‘advertising’ feel, comical messages or poems can intrigue passers-by and even get your business shared on social media. Never underestimate the value of a smile to make people feel positively towards your business! Chalkboard signs are particularly effective for this as they can be wiped and updated regularly without incurring any cost.
Staying relevant, such as highlighting social or seasonal events, can make customers feel seen or heard. Use your pavement display to get involved in social media trends. You can use your pavement board to create a competition, entice excitement and interaction. Even if a purchase is not completed right away, the lasting impression you make from memorable interaction will pay off in the long run.
There are 3 key things to remember when designing your display
- Make it eye-catching and colourful
- Keep it on-brand
- Ensure people can read it clearly
Your display should pique the interest of those walking or driving past. Inventive and unusual designs can be extremely effective, however, sometimes it’s also wise to consider the important information. What do your customers actually want to know? For restaurants and salons this might be menu info or a treatment price list. Giving the customer what they’re looking for is always a good sell.

Where Should I Place my Advertising Board?
While advertising boards and pavement signs are effective on their own, using them to draw people’s attention to your shop front is one way to get the maximum benefit from them. A well-positioned pavement sign will make customers look towards your stall or retail space, focusing their attention on your window displays or other marketing materials.
In terms of placement, you want to set up your display board where passers-by can easily see and read it. However, there are some general guidelines about putting up a sign on the pavement in front of your premises, for example:
- Many councils permit only 1 sign per premises (even if two businesses share the space).
- Signs must not be installed within 2m of another pavement sign, pillar or tactile paving (eg. raised or marked slabs for the visually impaired), or within 2m of a bus stop or pedestrian crossing.
- Signs must not block access to any building exits, especially emergency exits.
- Signs cannot be placed more than 0.8m from the front of your building, and are only permitted where they leave at least 1.8m of space for pedestrians to pass.
- There may be limits on display size (for example, no larger than 1200mm high and 750mm wide).
What Rules Do I Need to Follow When Putting up an Advertising Sign?
If you plan to set up your sign along a public highway, for example at a roadside or on a pavement, you will need to seek permission from your local authority (or the governing body which manages the site).
On privately owned or rented land, such as a garage forecourt, restaurant terrace or the enclosed area in front of a shop, in most instances, there is deemed consent and therefore you shouldn’t need any planning permission to set up your sign.
All outdoor advertisements must comply with five ‘standard conditions’. They must:
- be kept clean and tidy
- be kept in a safe condition
- have the permission of the owner of the site on which they are displayed (this includes the Highway Authority if the sign is to be placed on highway land)
- not obscure, or hinder the interpretation of official road, rail, waterway or aircraft signs
- be removed where so required by the planning authority.
For more in-depth information about the rules and regulations around pavement signs and advertising boards, you can read our blog: Do I Need Planning Permission for Pavement Signs?
For more information on any of our Pavement Signs & Advertising Boards,speak to our expert team on 01733 511030 or visit our Contact Us page.