Take the headache out of planning what to take to an exhibition and ensure you have that all-important tick list to hand to ensure all information and items required for the day are either written down or on your laptop.
Paperwork relating to the venue:
• Name of venue
• Address of venue
• Telephone number of venue
• Telephone numbers of venue staff you may need to contact direct
• Your venue contract, including your venue display layout plan, and any other associated paperwork or information you may require
• If you are meeting your work colleagues at the venue, obtain their mobile numbers
• Portable display stand equipment, graphics, spot lights, batteries/extension leads
• Sellotape, Blu-Tack, scissors, drawings pins, etc, just in case you need them
• Flip chart/pens
• Laptop
• Goodies/gift bags/freebies (eg, key fobs, sweets, pens, post-it pads, general small hospitality gifts, etc)
• Folding chairs – your feet may ache if you are standing most of the day
Travelling to the venue:
• Sat Nav or directions on how to get to the venue
• Calculate travelling time, allowing for rush-hour traffic or any stops you may include• Booking overnight accommodation, if necessary, close to the venue
• Find out about the parking facilities at the venue
Display Stationery:
• Business cards
• Flyers
• Name badges for staff
• Brochures
• Leaflets
• Feedback forms for visitors’ details
• Notepad/printed forms for prospective customers’ details
• Promotional offers
Stay Comfortable:
As you may be on your feet for most of the day, ensure you wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes. Shoes with very high heels can cause backache.
Ensure you have fluids to hand as you may be doing a lot of chatting! Bottled water or squash will come in handy. Be prepared and take along a packed lunch just in case you may feel hungry and decide on a sneaky nibble.
Take a box of tissues and anti-bacterial wipes - they often come in handy.
When your display is set up and ready for the visitors, take a few photographs as you can upload them on Twitter, etc.
Little Extras:
To tempt the visitors, you could have a large bowl of sweets on display.
Think about the area of your display stand/table and what you may be able to fit on it. Leaflet dispensers are very neat and don't take up too much space, or use literature stands for your brochures. Literature stands can be positioned at the side of your table or display stand leaving more room for your hospitality gifts, sweets, business cards and leaflet dispenser. You may have enough room to fit a small display of pretty flowers. The whole display should look attractive and inviting.
Always make sure you greet your visitors with a smile.
At the end of the exhibition, when packing up, just go through your tick list in reverse to ensure you have left nothing behind.
For more information about exhibition stands, contact us or call 01733 511030.