Exhibitions and trade shows are a unique chance for people to see, touch, hear and experience your product in person. They are a great opportunity to showcase and demonstrate your product to many potential customers in one day in one place.
Here are a few tips for displaying products effectively to maximise this opportunity:
Take centre stage – if your whole reason for attending the exhibition is to showcase your products or launch a new product then you need to design your stand around the product to ensure it gets maximum visibility. When designing your exhibition stand or selecting your display equipment keep the product at the forefront of your mind.
Size matters – the size of your product is a key factor in how you can display it. Larger items will take up space but will stand out so you can build your display around them. If you have smaller products you might need to draw attention to them and give them a bit more support. For example, use graphics on your stand to show a close-up of your product.
Hands on – do you want you products to be easily available for people handle and if so, can they do so? This is an important thing to consider when choosing display equipment. We offer a range of display plinths and podiums which are ideal for displaying products and are accessible for customers to pick up, hold and try out your products. However, if your products are valuable you might want to have them in a locked display case.
How many? – think about whether to hold stock of your product on your stand and how many to bring. Also think about where you will store this stock – you do not want a pile of products cluttering up the stand so think about incorporating some discreet storage. Many of our promotional counters have storage in the back and can also be used as a demonstration point.
If you do not have stock of your products on your stand then have an iPad or tablet linked to your website so you can show your product range online. We offer a wide range of iPad stands which complement exhibition stands perfectly.
Let your product do the talking – one huge advantage of trade shows is that you can demonstrate your product and show people what it does and how it works. Make sure you have working products to be able to demonstrate. A great demonstration can create a buzz and attract more people to your stand. If the product requires power, ensure you have enough battery charge or a power source to use throughout the show – there is no point having a product to demo which has run out of battery. Also make sure you have enough demo products so that all stand staff have access to one. You do not want potential customers waiting while your demo product is being used by someone else.
Another way to show off your product is to have a monitor showing a video demonstration of how it works. We offer a monitor bracket for both our pop up stands and banner stands which are incorporated into the display stand and enable videos to be shown.
Let there be light – think about the lighting on your stand and how to use it to showcase your product. Visitors will want to be able to see the product clearly in a good light. You can have the best product in the world but if it’s too gloomy for people to see it then it will not be a success.
Know your stuff – makes sure your exhibition stand staff are briefed on the products you are displaying. Ensure everyone knows how they work and are confident to give product demonstrations.
Practice makes perfect – practice setting up your stand at the office in advance of the show. You can use this time to try different product display options until you find the one that you think works best. Remember less is more so do not clutter your stand with loads of products. When you have found a display you are happy with, take a photo of how your products are displayed so you can replicate this at the exhibition.
Don’t let them forget about you – consider having some product information or samples that people can take away with them so they remember you and your product.
At XL Displays we are experts in exhibition stands and portable display equipment. We can design a bespoke exhibition stand for you and incorporate all the product display equipment you need for your business to ensure your product is centre stage.
For more information please contact us or call our sales team on 01733 511030.