1. Stand Out with a Difference
When you purchase an exhibition stand, you can of course change up graphics, add new accessories, and, for modular stands, add new set-ups to upgrade your equipment. However, broadly speaking, once purchased, you are locked into a particular style/design of stand. When you hire exhibition equipment, however, you can tailor the design of your stand to different events and audiences, getting the maximum ROI for each individual event. Varying your set up will help you stand out from your competitors by providing new, interesting and eye-catching stands for each event, attracting the attention of your audience with new and innovative design ideas.
2. Test What Works
Perhaps you’re visiting a number of events with different audiences, and looking for a different style of stand each time. We’ve already discussed how hiring equipment gives you the opportunity to embrace a different look and feel in different locations. However, even if the kind of event you exhibit at doesn’t change, you may find that trialling different stand setups will help you to achieve better results in the long run. By testing new layouts, designs and styles, you can monitor which give you the best ROI, attracting new customers and strengthening relationships with pre-existing ones. By hiring various different stands, you can complete your own consumer research about which event stand will work best for your business when you are eventually ready to invest in your own equipment.
3. Space Saving
One of the important considerations when purchasing your own exhibition stands is where you plan to store them between events. Although the majority of our stands compress down into storage bags, boxes or trunks, providing a safe, secure and watertight space in which to store these is an additional cost and consideration - particularly in a post-Covid era where many businesses have been forced to downsize on floor space. When you hire exhibition stands rather than purchase them outright, you save yourself the hassle of worrying about storage. After your event, all the exhibition stand and relevant equipment that you hired will be packed up and taken away for you as a part of the complete service package, leaving you with no storage costs. Plus, you won’t need trucks or other large vehicles to transport the equipment, either.

Integra® Exhibition Stand 5m X 3m Backdrop Kit 17 - To Hire

Integra® Exhibition Stand 3m X 3m Booth Kit 8 - To Hire