As 2019 draws to a close, we thought we'd take a look back at all the things that have happened this year.
We got off to a flying start when we launched our brand new website back in January. We spent months developing the site as we wanted something that had a familiar feel, but with an improved user interface. We added lots of new features like 360 spins, as well as a new events calendar and shop by industry page. Our new site is faster and more streamlined and has gotten lots of positive feedback from our customers which put us in high spirits for the rest of the year.

The third month of the year saw us take on our first charity challenge of 2019: the inflatable 5k. Our whole team went along to the Peterborough Showground kitted out in running shoes and athletic attire ready to take on the three-mile obstacle course. It was a scorching hot day which meant a few of us were struggling, but we all finished the course and raised £865.25 for Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in the process.

After a few months of resting, we were ready to take on our second challenge of the year - the Dragon Boat Race. We entered two teams: the Nauty Oars and the Anchor Buoys. It was a very wet and windy day but the teams tried to keep their mood elevated with the aim of winning. Unfortunately, neither of our teams made the finals, but we didn't mind too much as we raised £3025.86 for Thorpe Hall Hospice which was our main goal.
Our director, Joanne, was invited as a guest speaker on the panel at the first-ever Vaal and Vaal event. It was a great opportunity for her to network and meet new people, as well as to share her wealth of knowledge and experience.

Our annual collection for the Peterborough Foodbank started in July and concluded at the end of the month. We always donate in the summer as we know how little is given at this time of year and how much the food bank struggles. We donated 1269 items which were warmly received by everyone at the centre and the people it helps.
Itching to raise more money for charity, in October a few of our team entered the Great Eastern Run. We had several people completing the 5k fun run, as well as Kerry who had entered the half marathon. Due to an incident, the half marathon was cancelled, but Kerry still wanted to run in aid of all of those who had sponsored her and so completed her own 13-mile run a few days later.
Never ones to miss out on a holiday, in October we had our pumpkin carving competition. We had a record number of entries this year, with lots of our team showcasing their artistic capabilities.

November was a great month for us because our director, Joanne, was presented with the Business of the Year award at the English Women's Awards. It was a huge achievement for her and the whole team were so proud.

Later on in the month Children In Need came around and we had an office-wide '80s day to raise money. We all came dressed in our finest 80's outfits and had a bake sale to raise even more money.
The final month of the year brought with it our Christmas Present Appeal. We partnered up with the Salvation Army for the second year in a row to collect toys for children living in poverty and refuge in Peterborough, and this year we collected over 1000 gifts. It was a great way to end a year of plentiful fundraising.

Along with the highlights mentioned above, we've had a great year in terms of business growth. We've welcomed lots of new customers and seen a few new faces join our team along the way. We have launched hundreds of new products, manufactured thousands of displays and been a part of some truly extraordinary projects.
We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout 2019; we can't wait to see what 2020 brings.
A very merry Christmas and happy new year to all of you!