Display boards are important in schools as they perform a variety of different functions depending on where you use them.
In corridors, receptions or entryways, display boards provide surfaces where you can showcase important school information such as contact details, timetables, staff lists, term dates, safety notices or Covid procedures. In addition to these more long-term types of information displays, you can also use display boards to keep parents, staff and pupils updated in real time of changing situations such as absences, changes to class schedules or other essential notices. Display boards in corridors and thoroughfares are key points where safety information such as evacuation procedures should be made clearly visible to students and staff.
Outdoor display boards installed at school entrances and exits provide essential information for parents and visitors, such as contact information, school start and finishing times and details of school or community events and fairs.
Display boards can also be an extremely helpful tool in classrooms as learning aids. Wall-mounted display board boards can be used to display student work or artwork, which helps to give pupils a sense of pride and achievement but also offers bright, entertaining displays relevant to student learning. Freestanding or mobile display boards can be used more directly during lessons as a teaching aid, allowing teachers to showcase important learning materials while keeping their hands free to assist students.